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The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2 with the WiFiLogger, and this page is updated
every 10 or 15 minutes when the offline program is running, so readings will be spasmodic to say the least.

Data is uploaded 24 hrs a day at 10 to 15 minutes intervals directly from the weather station to the 'Met Office WOW' and the 'Davis Weatherlink' websites - see home page.

In common with the most stand alone weather stations the 24 hour period is midnight to midnight.

RAINFALL: 2022 - the 'Rainfall This Year' is inaccurate due to the upgrading of the datalogger and the unavailability of accurate local figures to
make corrections. This will correct itself for 2023 (if we are still here). The 'Rainfall This Month' should be accurate from August 2022 onwards.

Latitude  : N 52° 50' 12"   Sunrise    : 07:33 Moon
Longitude : W 00° 22' 15"   Sunset  : 16:58
Elevation  : 31 m   Moon  : Waxing Gibbous
 Conditions at local time 18:40 on 07 February 2025
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 3.1 °C Dew Point 0.8 °C
Windchill -0.4 °C Humidity 85%
Heat Index 3.1 °C Cloud base 931 ft
Rainfall since midnight 0.0 mm Maximum Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 0.4 mm Rainfall This Year 22.4 mm
Wind Speed (gust) 23 mph Wind Speed (avg) 9 mph
Wind Bearing 63° ENE Beaufort F3 Gentle breeze
Wind Run 142.7 miles    
Barometer  1023.40 mb Falling -0.58 mb/hr

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